Product Description
Liked the videos? I am sure you have many questions...
What is it?
SuperHeal is a topical salve made using three certified organic wholefood ingredients sold by most good health stores. The recipe is available at our online store free of charge for non-commercial use and we also sell ready made SuperHeal for your convenience.
What does it do?
There is anecdotal evidence in dogs, cats, horses, mice, rats and humans to suggest that SuperHeal may work on cysts, tumours, melanomas, bacterial and fungal infections, polyps (inhibiting growth), solar keratosis, sunspots, haematomas and skin growths. It has strong antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties and also aids in the healing of wounds.
SuperHeal promotes the natural removal of growths so there is less scarring than surgical removal.
Why should I use SuperHeal?
Surgery is not always possible and not always practical. Some patients suffer reactions to anesthesia and some are too frail for surgery. Just like surgery, SuperHeal may remove the physical symptoms of an underlying problem, but it is important to recognise that there maye be a deep internal problem that requires addressing. We recommend addressing such issues with nutrition.
How do I make SuperHeal?
Mix these three certified organic ingredients together and bottle in a glass jar to create SuperHeal:
- Virgin Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil 1 Part (previously 1.5 Parts)
- Turmeric Powder (1 Part)
- Lecithin Powder (1 Part)
*Do not make without certified organic ingredients. The efficacy of SuperHeal may vary if you make it at home using your own ingredients. If you are uncertain about the quality of your ingredients and it is an urgent matter we recommend purchasing our ready-made SuperHeal. We import the purest and highest grade ingredients we can find and I know with absolute certainty that no one else in Australia imports our grade of lecithin. You are also welcome to purchase the individual ingredients from us and make SuperHeal at home.
What else will I need?
- Optional powder-free food handling gloves to avoid staining hands and for best mixing.
- Bandage and tape from your pharmacy. Remember, you need to reapply each day).
- If applying on to an animal and are worried that it will be tempted to remove the bandage, you may wish to purchase a plastic cone from your vet (the same ones used when a dog has been desexed).
- Optional cotton bud to apply SuperHeal.
- Refrigerate for 5 minutes before each use. Storing SuperHeal in the fridge is fine but it may become too hard to use.
- Keep the area covered because turmeric stains anything it comes in contact with.
- Apply SuperHeal daily for 7 days. Allow area to air for 24 hours. Re-apply daily for another 2-5 days or until the lump pops or falls off. Keep an eye on the wound and ensure it does not get infected.
- Continuing to apply SuperHeal will aid in the healing of the wound and prevent infection.
- We have had reports of SuperHeal working without bandaging but it is highly recommended that you stick to our method which has shown good results.
Background story
Many of you may know about the little puppy that came along and turned my life upside down - Augustine the Boxer. What many of you don't know is that Mishka my Maltese dog has been in my family since 2001. Sadly, for the first ten years of her life I knew nothing about canine nutrition and as she gets older her previous poor diet is catching up to her.
Not long before the original Dog vs Lump video was made I paid a vet $850 to surgically remove five cysts from Mishka's body. To then find a 1cm hard lump on her tail left me frustrated. I didn’t get Mishka formally tested to confirm what the lump was but I believe it was a cyst.
I didn't want Mishka going through the pain again so I searched for alternatives. I remembered reading how coconut oil and turmeric was used to treat tumours on dogs in nine studies at the UCLA. In 81% of those cases the tumours reduced in size. Curious to learn more I did a google search and found many testimonials from every day people claiming that the tumours and cysts were getting smaller and in some cases popping and dying off for good. What I didn't like is that the process seemed to take many months.
Riding on a hunch I added lecithin powder (black pepper is excellent too) as an activator to increase the bioavailablity of the anti-cancer properties and other healing properties of the turmeric.
Mishka’s cyst popped after ten days. Sadly after one phone call and two follow-up e-mails to the head of the research I based SuperHeal on (Dr. Marilene Beth Wang at UCLA), I heard nothing in response to my findings. I called and e-mailed her on 24th October 2012 and followed up with another e-mail on 28th January 2014.
It just so happened that all three ingredients I used are found in Augustine's SuperFood (turmeric and lecithin are found in Augustine's SuperBoost). It was encouraging to know that at least Augustine has a healthy start to life.
This discovery has put me on a path that motivates me to research every natural cancer therapy I can find and I am compiling an e-book featuring a concise cancer diet protocol.
I would love nothing more than for SuperHeal to be picked up by mainstream science, have tests carried out that will prove its effectiveness and hopefully see it readily available on supermarket shelves – at the very least as a natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial wound healer.
"Never put something on your skin that you wouldn't put in your mouth." Let food be thy medicine!
Prevention is better than cure and diet is everything! I am not a doctor so please consult your vet before trialing this food product. I make no claims that this will cure you or your animals in any way shape or form. It worked for us and we sincerely hope it works for you. There are many variables, and a main one being the overall health of the subject and how far the problem has progressed. Do not take remedially. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
© 2012 -2014 Augustine Approved. Recipe for private use only. Not for commercial production or sale without written consent.
So what DOESN'T Augustine approve?
Additives, chemicals, colourings, dairy, fillers, flavourings, grains, gluten, GMOs, irradiation, meat or animal by-products, MSG, palm oil, preservatives, synthetics, salts & sweeteners.
Just like all our products, Augustine's SuperBoost carries the following symbols:
Virgin Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil
- Vit Choline, E, K.
- Min Fe.
- EFA Omega 6. MCT's.
- Vit B5, B9.
- Min Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, P, Zn. Fibre.
- Vit Choline, E, K.
- Min Ca, Fe, K, P.
- EFA Omega 3, Omega 6.
Product Reviews
Showing reviews 1-10 of 20 | Next
Interdigital cyst… gone!
Posted by Betsy Deldgadillo on 24th Oct 2014
My little pom Ducati had an interdigital cyst on the wedge of his paw. I did not want to take him back to the vet for it as they seem to want to cure everything with antibiotics.
I wanted to order SuperHeal online but I wasn’t sure how long it would take to arrive from Australia so I made it up myself using the free recipe and YouTube video.
As you can see in the photos, it worked beautifully!
We are now turning to your products again for skin problems that don’t seem to go away which I believe were caused by the use of antibiotics which have upset the balance of gut flora. We have purchased your Healthy Skin Bundle and we are hopeful of positive results.
We thank you for the work, love and dedication you put into your products and for sharing your knowledge.
High paws from our four legged little Ducati and hugs from his humans through the miles.
Sunspot gone in days without medical intervention.
Posted by Marnie-Lea Galanos on 29th Jul 2014
Hi Phivo,
I just wanted to give you an update on how your amazing SuperHeal has worked for what my skin specialist told me was a sunspot on the side of my nose.
I started developing a bit of skin irritation from the adhesive on the plaster I was using so decided to stop using SuperHeal for now but, all up in just over two weeks the sunspot is gone!
I am astounded with the result and have already started singing SuperHeal’s praises to everyone I know.
One friend of mine has already ordered and received her SuperHeal delivery. Thank you so much for your high quality wonderful products for both my very cute babies (dogs) and now for the not so cute owner.
Excellent Product
Posted by Tanya on 1st Jul 2014
Thank you for offering a quality product which is completely natural and can be used on my dogs and me!
I hope others learn of this new solution to heal as well.
With gratitude.
Posted by Unknown on 25th Jun 2014
My 2 year old boxer had a small growth under his neck. I applied SuperHeal and in a weeks' time it was completely healed.
I was amazed at the turn-around time SuperHeal took to work. I do have before and after pictures.
It only took four days before the lumps completely disappeared!
Posted by Meg Megginson on 18th Jun 2014
My 9 year old boxer Gus had two fast growing lumps - one on his chest where his harness was rubbing and one on his neck under his collar.
I found the SuperHeal recipe online and whipped up a batch. I applied it at night with a Q-tip and tried to cover it with a band-aid. It only took four days before the lumps completely disappeared!
I am not sure what they were but I'm happy to have them gone and to have avoided biopsies and vet bills. Next time I will definitely take before photos, but I’ve taken photos of where the lumps were.
Boxers are very prone to masses and every boxer owner should have SuperHeal in their toolkit.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful product Phivo!
Lump deep under the skin gone in just days!
Posted by Peter Muller, Bsc Health Science (Nutritionist) on 9th Jun 2014
When I noticed a large lump under my Staffy cross Fox Terrier Yvi’s skin I contacted Phivo from Augustine Approved about trying SuperHeal. Phivo was skeptical that it would work so deep under the skin but I decided to still give it a try.
In total, SuperHeal was applied 8 times over a period of 11 days. On the 8th day the unidentified lump had reduced 2/3 in size. I visited the vet for a checkup and told her what I had been doing. Regardless of the reduction in size, she told me I was very irresponsible and insisted on a biopsy. I was very taken back by her bluntless but seeing as the results were speaking volumes it didn’t make sense to take the vet’s advice.
I am pleased to report that on the 11th day the lump was completely gone - no thanks to the vet who turned a blind eye to progress and wanted to cut Yvi open. I am also pleased to report that Phivo was wrong and I am sure he is happy about it!
Thanks SuperHeal!
Cleaning up after basal cell carcinoma surgery
Posted by Peter Muller, Bsc Health Science (Nutritionist) on 9th Jun 2014
Four years ago I went to the doctor complaining about a growth on my nose. I was told it wasn’t anything to worry about and was sent home. It continued to grow and became extremely irritating. I went back to my doctor and he then diagnosed me as having a basal cell carninoma which was
subsequently removed surgically.
Every since then the operated area would get itchy and cause me to scratch. I decided to apply SuperHeal and see what would happen. I put a dab of SuperHeal on in the morning and wiped it off at night before bed.
The next morning I looked in the mirror and there was a black spot in the operated area sticking out. I scratched at it with my nail and necrotic tissue the size of two sesame seeds fell out!
After a month all that remained was a faint flat mark
Posted by Fiona Fleurie on 24th May 2014
I have pale Scottish skin that burns easily and I am 47 years old.
For almost three months I had a small sore on my arm the size of a five-cent coin. It was always dry and scab like, as if it was in the process of healing but it never did.
I was beginning to wonder if this small dry patch that wouldn't heal was something more than just a scab, so I decided to apply SuperHeal daily and bandage as per the instructions. I used SuperHeal for only five days and by the sixth day the skin was no longer (dry but still raised).
After a month all that remained was a faint flat mark and no dry flaky skin - you can barely see it at all.
This stuff is amazing! I will be passing it on to my mother who has growths surgically removed from her skin each year.
Thank you!
Best product for diabetics!
Posted by Melissa S. on 23rd May 2014
Being a diabetic, it's always a pain trying to get a wound to heal.
Recently a nasty blister popped on the sole of my foot leaving a large hole. I was really worried as my job involves me being on my feet for 8 hours walking around the factory.
I got home from work and remembered that I had some SuperHeal I purchased at the Dog Lovers Show for my Doggie First Aid Kit and thought to try it.
I applied SuperHeal into the wound and bandaged it up. By the morning the hole had sealed up. Before work I applied more SuperHeal and wrapped the wound again. My foot was in no pain at all at work. I am absolutely blown away at how quickly my body has healed with SuperHeal.
I highly recommend everyone keep a jar of SuperHeal in their medicine cabinet.
A Huge Thank You from New York City
Posted by Nicole Austin (New York City) on 13th May 2014
My 9 year old German Shepherd Mix, King had a large lump on his hind leg below the knee. After having it checked by the vet through a blood test and x-rays it was discovered to be benign.
The vet's only solution to the lump was to amputate the leg an that was NOT going to happen, especially since he was still walking on it just fine.
The vet stated it would be easier to amputate the leg since the lump was large and there was not enough skin to close it over properly. “Easier”, yes he actually used that word. “Easier for who?” I exclaimed and after reading about these lumps and how frequently they can pop up in different areas I began to fear what their ‘endgame’ was going to be?
Whilst researching for alternatives I accidently came across SuperHeal by Augustine Approved. What caught my attention is the fact they actually give instructions on how to make SuperHeal yourself. That impressed me more than anything; they are not just after money. Then looking at other testimonials I decided to give it a try.
I bought the ingredients and made it at home and with the help of King's human father I wrapped the leg on a Tuesday according to the instructions.
I was hoping it was at the least going to shrink over time however by Saturday King’s father came home and said there was a huge lump of something on the floor - the lump on King's leg fell out!!!
It wasn't a pretty scene and the area where his lump was had shrunk in half. We are now working on the wound (with another vet’s instructions) keeping it clean and waiting for it to close and it already has significantly.
So basically in one month's time I have gone from a vet telling me to amputate my baby's leg to the mass falling out and him healing.
I just received our order of Augustine’s SuperBoost to give him and he loves it!
You are doing great work and I am so happy we found you. I have told everyone with furry babies about you and your amazing products and some of the humans want to use it for themselves.
I want to say thank you, keep up this powerful work.

Why we the sell the items we sell
Our aim is simple, to extend and improve quality of life of dogs & cats. We aim to do this by sourcing natural healthy alternatives to many of the toxic and chemically laden products on the market for our beloved pets and by sharing our knowledge and experience of nutrition, natural remedies and cleansing your pet of toxins.
We are passionate about natural nutrition and see it as the fundamental essential for good health. A varied fresh whole food diet with minimal processed foods and minimising chemical and toxin exposure is essential to your pets health and wellbeing.
We are also passionate about reducing stress, physical & psychological pain in our dogs lives through equipment, training and activity choices.
Our AP branded treat bags are 100% recyclable plastic